Table of contents

1 What is the prostate?
2 Why do men need a prostate?
3 What does prostate enlargement mean?
4 What are the symptoms of an enlarged prostate?
5 How does the prostate stay healthy?
6 What diet is good for the prostate?
7 Which dietary supplements are good for the prostate?
8 Where is the best place to buy prostate supplements?

1. what is the prostate?

The prostate ("prostate gland") is the seemingly least important part of the male sex organ. It only attracts attention when things start to go wrong - in the truest sense of the word. This is because the first problems occur when urinating: Urination hurts, the bladder is not emptied completely. You always have the feeling that you "have to" without really "having to". All this can mean an enlargement of the prostate ...

The "normal" organ is about the size of a chestnut, weighs 20 to 25 grams and has millions of fat, muscle and glandular cells. It is located below the bladder and surrounds the urethra. If it is enlarged, it causes the aforementioned problems with urination and an increased urge to urinate.

2 Why do men need a prostate?

On the one hand, the muscles of the prostate support the closure of the bladder during urination - in the sense of "open" or "closed". On the other hand, the glands of the prostate produce a secretion that liquefies the sperm and protects the genetic information (DNA) of the sperm. It makes up 30 to 40 percent of the seminal fluid and is responsible for its typical odor. The prostate secretion makes fertilization possible in the first place, as it neutralizes the acidic environment of the vagina. The secretion also has a positive effect on sperm motility.

3 What does prostate enlargement mean?

A distinction is made here between benign and malignant enlargement or proliferation. Because "malignant" means prostate cancer. Benign enlargement ("benign prostatic hyperplasia" or "BPH") can be treated well with medication - natural, herbal remedies can also help with symptoms.

From the age of 45, men should go for a preventive examination. By performing an examination and determining the PSA value ("prostate-specific antigen"), the doctor can determine how healthy the patient's prostate is. Or whether the diagnosis requires treatment, e.g. in the case of a serious disease such as prostate carcinoma (tumor).

4 What are the symptoms of an enlarged prostate?

Almost every second man over the age of 50 has an enlarged prostate. In men over 60 it is even 75%. About half of them suffer from severe and chronic urinary problems. The causes of symptoms and diseases have not yet been scientifically clarified. Hormonal changes and genetic factors play a major role in inflammation.

It is these symptoms that give rise to the suspicion of prostate enlargement:

- When urinating, you have the feeling that the bladder is not completely empty - and therefore have to push harder than before

- The urine stream has become weaker and is frequently interrupted. It also dribbles longer towards the end

- The urge to urinate wakes you up at night and you have to go to the toilet several times

- You often lose small amounts of urine in between - followed by a renewed urge to urinate.
urge to urinate again

- Sudden strong urge to urinate

- Involuntary urination/urination

- Burning or other unpleasant sensations when urinating

- Pain in the lower abdomen

- Frequent bladder infections

- Pain or burning during sex

- Ejaculation/erectile dysfunction, sexual desire (libido) decreases

5. how does the prostate stay healthy?

In principle, physical exercise is always good. From a walk to light strength training to pelvic floor exercises: The prostate muscles particularly like all of these.

Regular ejaculation can also be healthy for the prostate. The so-called reproductive tract is "flushed out" again and again. Harmful substances and bacteria are flushed out of the body.
A healthy and balanced diet is very important. The consumption of sugar, fat and white flour should be reduced to a minimum. It is better to eat a protein-rich diet. Protein contains important amino acids such as arginine, which supports the healthy functioning of blood vessels.

6 Which diet is good for the prostate?

Hazelnuts, almonds and peanuts are rich in the amino acid L-arginine. It is best to eat them throughout the day - but not too much. 100 grams can easily contain 600 calories.

Also very beneficial: vegetables with lots of
vitamins and minerals. Broccoli, cauliflower, white cabbage, kale and spinach are full of healthy phytochemicals, e.g. indole-3-carbinol. It is important to eat one of these vegetables every day.

Pumpkin seeds are often mentioned in connection with prostate health. This is mainly due to the "phytosterols", also known as "phytosterols", contained in pumpkin seeds. These are compounds of plant substances that are used for the symptomatic treatment of "benign prostatic hyperplasia". But you don't have to crack huge amounts of pumpkin seeds for this - highly concentrated pumpkin seed extracts in capsules as a dietary supplement are more practical.

7 Which dietary supplements are good for the prostate?

As mentioned above, pumpkin seeds are one of the best-known dietary supplements taken for prostate problems. There is pumpkin seed flour, pumpkin seed oil, pumpkin seed powder and pumpkin seed extract in capsules. The extract in pumpkin seed capsules is 5 times stronger than the powder version.
Scientific study on pumpkin seed extract:

Pollen and pine bark extract is less well known, but no less effective.
Scientific study on beta-sitosterol contained in pine bark extract: https: //

The pollen extract mixture consists of the plants maize, rye and timothy plus pine bark extract. These extracts support bladder and prostate health and promote blood circulation.
Scientific study on pollen extract: https: //


Turmeric is also a natural vital substance with a wide range of applications.
Turmeric is considered to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. There are capsules with turmeric powder, turmeric extract and liquid micellar turmeric.
Scientific study on turmeric:

Nettle also supports prostate function. It is available in a simple form as a powder (ground nettle leaves) or in high doses as an extract in capsules.
Scientific study on nettle: https:

Black cohosh is a herbaceous plant from North America and supports the lymphatic system. Not entirely unimportant for the prostate, which removes bacteria, viruses and foreign bodies through its lymphatic vessels. Black cohosh is available in powder form in tablets and as a high-quality extract in capsules.
Scientific study on black cohosh:

The evening primrose plant "willowherb" is a must when it comes to a functioning prostate. Willowherb also contributes to the health of the lower urinary tract.
Scientific study on willowherb: https:

Zinc is not only good for skin, hair and nails, but also for male fertility. It supports the health of the penis, testicles and vas deferens. Zinc also contributes to the maintenance of normal testosterone levels in the blood. Zinc is available as a dietary supplement in powder form, tablets and capsules. Tablets or capsules are recommended for a consistently optimal dosage.
Scientific study on zinc:

It is advisable to take a combination preparation for the prostate that combines many or ideally even all of the ingredients listed here.

8 Where is the best place to buy prostate supplements?

Don't buy from suppliers who promise miracles after just three capsules. This is because it can take a while to achieve the desired results with dietary supplements. Make sure that the ingredients are 100% natural. Chemical or synthetic prostate tablets can have undesirable side effects.
The purity and quality of the food supplement should be right. You can rely on this if the ingredients have been tested in accordance with the strict laws of the EU. It is a sign of a high quality standard, especially if they are tested in German laboratories.
What also helps when deciding on the right supplier: Read the store's reviews on the internet! The opinions of customers are just as important as ratings from independent institutions, e.g. "Top Shop" and "Trusted Shops".

Natural help with herbal ingredients for the prostate can be found here.

According to EFSA (European Food Safety Authority), the following statements about the effect of the ingredients mentioned here are permitted or available for testing:

Pollen (Secale Cereale L.) contributes to normal prostate function
- Pollen (Secale Cereale L.) supports normal bladder function

Curcuma is considered an anti-inflammatory
- Curcuma is considered an antioxidant

Zinc contributes to the maintenance of male sex hormone levels
- Zinc contributes to normal fertility and normal function of the male reproductive system

Black cohosh extract contributes to a normal lymphatic system

Willowherb extract contributes to the normal function of the prostate
- Willowherb extract supports the health of the lower urinary tract

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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